Friday, August 20, 2021

TOM as the theoretical Framework


TOM, weak central coherence and executive functioning difficulties are underlying cognitive features associated with Autism. These cognitive features effect the way students or children process in the environment including:

1.      Impairments recognizing the mental states (TOM) of others can result in difficulty understanding social interactions, relating to their peers and knowing what to do to fitting in.

2.    Hyper focus on the details of a lesson, piece of work or social situation (Weak central coherence) can result in difficulty understanding the big picture and coping when things change.

3.      Problems organizing and coordinating multiple tasks (Poor executive functioning) can lead to difficulty coping with the workload, prioritising and displaying flexibility in problem solving.

Clinical Utility of the Rorschach Inkblot Method: Reframing the Debate

  Phase   Period     1 1921- 1950s The unbridled optimism period ...