Saturday, November 17, 2012


Grade 9 had their first lesson of new Quarter today:
The butterfly effect.
Key concept: Change
Significant concept: Tiny variations create recurrent impact
AOI: Human Ingenuity

After briefting the unit title, significant concept and AOI. I wrote down the unit question on the whiteboard, surrounded by different areas of investigation. A number of six highest ability students were being called and stand in the front of the class. They were to choose their members based on my requirement. Leader A(boy), can only choose 2 girls, Leader B(girl) can only choose 2 boys, one with spec, one without so on and so forth.
They were given 6 different theme to answer the unit question:
How does little things change the world?

A. "What is the origin of butterfly effect?"
B. "What is Lorenz system? What is chaos theory"
C. "How does butterfly effect relate to weather prediction?"
D. "What is collective bahaviour? What constitute popular culture?"
E. "How does Altruism affect the society? What is the purpose of caring?"
F. "How does self- actualization benefit the community?"

Students were given 20 minutes in a number of 3 in group to complete the given task.
Answer the given question, use the same answer to relate to the unit question.
Question 1 and 2 are direct questions which fit under Bloom's "Knowledge" first level of thinking.
Question 3 need analysing and sythesizing skill.
Question 4 to 6 fit higher thinking level which require students to interpret a meaning in depth.

Technical problem
The wifi connection was slow as usual, this is the most unpleasant part of the teaching when something is really out of your control. It delayed the duration of the activity hence affected the schedule . Only three group were able to present at the end of the class.

During presentation, each group (audiences) were given a piece of note as their task, including"2 good points ","2 weaknesses", " 2 personal opinion"," conclusion" and " 2 questions". After each group presented, audiences have to comment base on their task given.

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