Thursday, November 29, 2012

EIBP7123-IB-Professional Learning

Inspired by the Quality Teaching Elements in NSW Public School(2003).I realized there are some basic guideline to produce quality teaching and learning. Thus, I am using this guideline to reflect and evaluate my programme plan in details.

According to the research, there are three dimensions of quality teaching elements including intellectual quality, learning environment quality and significance of the knowledge.

Intellectual Quality

Deep Knowledge-knowledge is deep when it concerns the central ideas or concepts of a topic.

Deep Understanding-Deep understanding is evident when students explore relationship, connection and draw conclusion in relatively systematic and complex way. 

In my programme plan, the big idea (Key concept, significant concept, Area of interaction) is the main core of the entire programme plan. My learners were given different approaches to develop their understanding of the significant concept. For instance, they read “The little prince”, investigate on the Avant Garde movement, Dadaism, and hence make connection. Besides, graphic organiser such as words splash, mind mapping, Traffic light, Think pair share were used as a ongoing reflection template to determine their level of understanding after each lesson. I think my learners did construct deep knowledge in the learning process. 

Problematic Knowledge-Knowledge is treated as being socially constructed, and hence subject to political, social and cultural implications.
My learners were using different subject context, including Language A and Humanities to elaborate the key concept: change and its impact to the society. Besides, they were exploring specific skills and techniques to accomplish their summative task. They faced difficulties throughout the whole development process of creating their final art work. They start from simple initial ideas and slowly develop into comprehensive process which is  another evidence of learning problematic knowledge. 

Metalanguage-Lesson high in metalanguage has high levels of talk about language and how texts work.
In the first session of visual arts class, we always discuss about the significant concept, unit question and Area of Interaction in depth. My learners studied the original meaning of each word and interpret it in various perspectives. For instance, in our first lesson, we discuss about the word “change” as a verb, a noun and the etymology of the word because I always impose that knowing the origin of the word is important in order to have a deep understanding of the concept.

Quality Learning Environment

Explicit Quality Criteria-High explicit criteria identified by frequent, detailed and specific statement about the quality of work.

High expectation-Emphasises the high expectations is not about how many students are participating in the lesson, but about how many students are participating in challenging work.

Based on the feedback from my learners to the formative assessment, I recognised some learners have difficulties in conceptualise ideas. Some learners were not aware of the objective and expectation of the task. Although most of my learners enjoyed the process of completing the formative, but learning outcome for each task was not clear. And I realised the importance of Task Specific Rubric for each formative task. 

Student Direction-Included choice of activities, time spent on activities, pace of the lesson, criteria by which they will be assessed.

In the practical learning session, some of my learners were not engaged, I should have prepare handout or worksheet as a task for them to fulfil while I was having individual tutorial for the photo editing learning session. Besides, learners will have a better understanding if the basic guideline of the software tools was given at the beginning of the lesson. They can explore and develop their skills more in depth.
I need to improve on appropriate time management and allocate relevant material and resources in the learning session. Use of variety of effective and engaging activities can improve the quality of learning environment.
Learning environment is part of my evaluation practice. Having an Art room with proper art facilities such as easels, drawing boards, various media for drawing and painting would be more efficient for learning. I need to make sure the facility room is well-equipped before I start the lesson. Besides,the physical change of the learning environment will make a great impact on learners’ interest and passion for Art. Learners would feel the artistic environment to learn and paint.

Social support-Encourage and value effort, participation and the expression of one’s view in the pursuit of learning.
At the beginning of the programme, I faced difficulties in differentiation teaching strategies. Some of my learners were not engaged at the first lesson. After seeking advice from my colleagues and coordinators, they suggested scaffolding or mentor mentee system in group activities. I choose the pairings based on which students I knew can work well together & have different strengths & weaknesses. Each group was given a set of questions (structured) to help with research. I also encouraged the more passive students to participate by speaking up their opinions.

Background Knowledge-May include prior knowledge or “out –of –school” knowledge, such as local knowledge, cultural knowledge, personal experiences and knowledge of media and popular culture.

During my teaching session in programme plan, some of my learners suggested to visit art gallery or filed trip. I think a visit to a graphic design company would be relevant to this programme because it involves a lot of software editing skills and techniques. Thus, I will try to implement field trip or gallery visit in the following programme plan to allow them explore and experience the “out-of-school” knowledge.

Narrative-Use of narrative is high when stories are written, told, read and viewed or listened to help illustrate or bring to life.
I have included the literature book “The little prince”, “The colour purple”, poem “The important Book” and a series of formative task in this programme plan. They wrote poem as self evaluation. I think narrative is a good approach to construct abstract perception, hence develop cognitive thinking skills. Besides, learners were creating their story behind the final art work-photomontages. I realised narrative is really a provoking creativity. 
As conclusion, I feel that the evaluation stage is the most difficult among all Modules, but it reflects my strength and weaknesses, area I need to improve on and action need to be taken.
I gained a lot of experiences and knowledge from completing this assignment but I always feel that knowledge is never ever enough. I will continue to reflect and evaluate my professional ongoing practice.

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