Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Formative Assessment

According to Catherine Garrison and Michael Ehringhaus, "assessment is a huge topic that encompasses everything from statewide accountability tests to district benchmark or interim tests to everyday classroom tests. In order to grapple with what seems to be an overuse of testing, educators should frame their views of testing as assessment and that assessment is information. "
Formative Assessment is part of the instructional process which incorporated into classroom practice to provides the information needed. Formative assessment informs both teachers and students about student understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made. Thus, adjust teaching and learning while they are happening.

Developmental Workbook:

Developmental Workbook is one of my assessment tools to observe the ongoing developing process of learners. My learners are required to annotate their investigation, developing process of the initial ideas and thoughts in their Developmental Workbook throughout the whole programme. Rubric of Developmental Workbook was also given to learners as a guideline of what is expected in their Developmental Workbook.  

As an International Baccalaureate candidate school, our marking scheme is based on Criteria- Referencing. My learners were given a set of rubrics with the description of each criterion to be fulfilled in the assessments. The criterion based rubric is a powerful tool to determine learner’s level of understanding from one to the other stages.

Criterion A: Knowledge and understanding
Their understanding of Dadaism and relevant art movement. Analysis of Marchel Duchamp’s art works “The fountain” and the connection to other context. For instance, Humanities.

Criterion B: Application
The development process which evidence in their Developmental Workbook including a series of experimental art work and initial sketches.

Criterion C: Reflection and evaluation
Reflection and annotation of their research, including specific artist and art movement. Ongoing reflection in their Developmental Workbook and participation in class discussion.

Criterion D: Personal engagement
Learners are evaluated based on their personal effort, how committed they are to the task. For example, they had 2 periods of class each week, followed by 2 periods of tutorials. During the tutorials, my learners would discuss their development of ideas and progress on the task. I would give them feedbacks and comments for improvement.

During the formative assessment, I had to ensure that my learners are motivated in their work.
I had worked out a time line for my learners, with the guided steps. Every week during tutorials,
I had checked their work progress, in their Developmental Workbook and mark their reflection essays. I discussed with my learners, areas that they need help with individually and give them constructive criticism.Besides that, I have given them a peer assessment form to reflect on the task given.



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